Wednesday 30 January 2008

Our second week in beautiful India!!

Arrived in Chandigarh early Sat morning after a lovely comfortable train ride!!! We were given tea, newspapers and breakfast all for free!! English train services could sure learn something from the Indian train service!! We enjoyed the 3 n half hour trip we saw some very interesting views!! haha! have been made to feel very welcome and at home at number 1537 (Pochi's house! Becki's relatives)! Everyone is lovely and we are especially enjoying the home cooked food!!! YUMMY!!!!!! Daal especially is going down a treat! The first thing we noticed was how very quiet Chandigarh is compared to Delhi!!!!!

Sunday we had an early start travelled nearly 4 hours upto Shimla which is a town set in the base of the Himalayas. Was a spectacular view from here! ( see our pictures to see for yourself). Due to the cold both of us had to have a few desperate interesting and amusing toilet breaks!!! We also saw snow here!!! And we mean real snow not like the pitiful stuff we get at home!!!! haha Monday we had more of a relaxed day we visited the Rock Garden which has been created by Nek Chand who used rubbish and broken household objects to create beautiful pieces of artwork!! Was amazing!! (Mark you would have loved it!!) we also visited the huge lake of Chandigarh which was very peacefull.

Tuesday we were taken to a town called Patiala where Ram's sister used to work in the school. We visited the institute of sport and looked round the national sport museum. After this we were taken round a very prestigious Indian school where we were treated to lunch with the pupils and the teachers. This was really lovely the children were really interested in us and kept coming upto us saying hello and asking us our names and where we were from. We also had a long discussion with the headmaster (its been a long time since either of us have spoken to a headmaster haha!!) The lunch was also very yummy! much better than any of the school dinners we ever had!! We also experienced the real India by walking round a bazzar and also treated to a vip visit to a house that made the very pretty punjabi shoes!!! Today (wednesday) we visited the art and history museum, the archaelogical museum (which explained how Chandigarh was created) and also the Natural history museum! After another excellent lunch by Neelam we visited the nearby zoo which again we really enjoyed!!! Tomorrow we are planning on visiting the Golden Temple!!! which should be very good and very pretty!!!Friday we will be flying in to Mumbai so our next post will be from warmer locations!!! (they pray!!! lol)

Hope you are all well and are not missing us too much!!! Love to you all

L & B xxxxx

P.S Mark you smell too!!!! lol


nix said...

You sound as if youre being spoiled in Chandigarh.Dad and I are very envious of all the lovely home cooked Indian food and Laura its great to hear you've taken to it so well especially the Dall.If its any consolation once you travel down to Mumbai and warmer weather we will be having a cold spell, possibly even snow!!. Yes we are missing you both lots and lots but keep the info coming as its great reading about it all,lots of love Nicky (mum)

Wood said...

Hi Becki and Laura - you sound as though you are having just the best time. The pictures are fantastic.

Missing you both.


maryj said...

Lucky girls being spoilt but as you're both lovely you deserve it so enjoy the moment because it will get harder when you have to do your own washing! The pictures are really good and it is great to see them, no doubt there will be a lot more when you get home. Love and hugs Mum xxxx

nats said...

wow! flying to mumbai? you never said you would be flying? i thought u would be travelling accross india? guess what, i only have 4 more days at work! yay!

nats said...

hello! i am waiting to here from you! and to here about your 3rd week! i am leaving for bangkok in 2 days! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh