Thursday 24 January 2008

Our first week in India!!!!

We are both loving India and everything it has thrown at us!! This country has so many beautiful things to see and we have seen loads and we have only just begun!!!
We have already experienced:
Jantar Mantar - astronomical observatory
Lakshmi Narayan Temple- very ornate and beautiful hindu temple.
Qutab Minar- largest tower in India.
The Lotus Temple- built to resemble a lotus flower.
Red Fort- built by the same dude who built the Taj Mahal also saw the sound and light show here!
Rajghat- Ghandi's crematorium site.
Humayun's tomb- prototype for the Taj Mahal- very beautiful!
The Taj Mahal- Words cannot describe.
The Amber fort- really lovely and they had elephants!!
Palace of wind - named because of all the windows!
Water Palace- in the middle of a huge lake

We are both loving the food and as of yet neither of us have been struck down with delhi belly (touch wood) toilets are an experience of their own!!! We are totally loving India and are embracing every moment of it! Its sooo different from being back home, its hard to describe you really do have to be here to believe it!!! When in England do you see camels, elephants, goats, donkeys, horses, monkeys, snakes, boars when you step in to the car??? Every day is an experience and we cant wait for what India has in store for us next!!



nix said...

Great to see the web site up and running, lets see some more pictures as it all looks fantastic. Glad youre both really enjoying yourselves. Love to you both. mum

Judy Pye said...

It all sounds terrific - saw the elephant on mums phone - he's lovely - can you bring him home? Enjoy you rest day - will all you have done you must need it.
Take care - luv you.
The Pye's and The Webby's xxxxx

nats said...

wow im loving the pics of the buildings! haha! can u try and get some more pics of other stuff please!? im sure lauras having lots of 'picture moments'! i gave in my notice yesterday, i leave 2 weeks today!

maryj said...

So pleased to hear you are both having a great time. Lovely to read about your travels but it would be nice to have some more pictures to look at - I know Laura is 'snap happy'!! Lots of love from Mum xxxx

suep said...

Know what you mean about the loos! Could write a book on them! Thought the loo paper might come in handy! Enjoy Chandigarh. Luv Auntie Sue x

TeresaMartin said...

Lovely to read about your travels.
Looks like you're having a wonderful time apart from the wasp experience, oh dear!! A T is glad there are no snakes to be seen here when we go out in the car!!!
Would love to see more pics, especially of you. Enjoy yourselves, make the most if it, except the toilets!!!! Lots of love AT & UM & 7 fluffs XXXX

Ash said...

hey u two, sounds like ur having a great time, still cant believe uve gone! india looks amazing, lots more pics please. glad ur enjoying urselfs. take care, keep safe.

love u ashleigh xxx

Pochi said...

It is great to find that you are gradually getting used to the sights,sounds and smell of India. Relax and behave like an Indian. That way you would enjoy your stay in India much more.However,don't let your guard drop for personal security and food/snacks offered by the strangers.All the best.

Kate&Paul said...

Great to hear from you and love the pics, keep them coming. Really glad that you are both enjoying the India experience. Wish we could see such a variety of wildlife when we go driving in Rustington we just get the native OAPs!! Ryan is reading a book called the toilet of doom sounds as if you have found them!!
LOL Kate x

Mark (Who Else?) said...

u dont know what kinda crap i went through just to write this comment google accounts seem to find it funny telling me my password is incorrect when i categorically know it is not, 100% know that my password was correct, dam google accounts!!! dam them!! anyway hope india is nice, uve seen the taj mahal already - is there anything else in india left to see? btw spread the word about Pandoras slave to the locals, if we can get a world wide fanbase going it might help, i think India might be where its at in terms of the new wave of indian heavy metal if we could get in there first and spark some kinda underground riot there could be a spot for us on the big stage and btw Laura smells - dont take it personally im just forfilling my role as annoying younger brother and i will do so everytime i comment! u wont ever escape 'the smell' Laura be warned of this and yes i will try my hardest to avoid all forms of grammar and correct spelling for your annoyment, it will give u somthing to decrypt, what fun i hear u cry 4 hours ahead of me!

Dad said...

Nice pictures, wish I was there too look's realy good, it's nice that your being spoilt this first month, beats backpacking! how do you feel it would have gone if you were left to your own devices?
Keep having a good time and take care.

suep said...

Hope you enjoyed the tea at Lakshmi's tent! The Ritz of Chandigarh! Enjoy the Golden Temple in Amritsar and be safe. Hope you're enjoying the culinary delights of No 1537!