Thursday 1 May 2008


While Rob and I were in Brisbane together we had time to think about our travel plans! We were going to go to tazmania for 3 weeks in a campervan but after research realised it was a bit expensive....also because of the fact i couldnt bare to be parted from my amazing friends who are like family to me now! We decided to leave 3 weeks earlier than planned and go to new zealand with laura and becks on the 17th may!!!!!! We are all very exited now and we might get a camper van in the north island for 2 weeks! Rob is in cairns at the moment doing diving and us girlies are leaving tonight for sydney! bye for now, lots of love to everyone x x x

1 comment:

maryj said...

Great to hear you are all getting on so well. Have fun in New Zealand and I look forward to hearing all about it!
Love Mum xxx